£35 to the travel agents, making £2110 in total paid off so far! £790 in total left to pay.
I'm so close I can taste it! I may even be able to get back on track and pay up before June, but I'm not sure. I'm only £30 behind this month. Compared to last month (£142 behind!), that's brilliant.
I've just worked out, I can add on dates to pay onto my schedule. I have 20 payments of £35 and I'll be paid off by the 16th of May if I add on just 5 extra payment days.
The tickets (including the Manatee swim) will be paid off by the 17th of June if I paid £35 a week to them.
So that's my new target. To have my whole holiday paid off in 10-12 weeks time!
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